Below you will find some Frequently Asked Questions regarding the 1 to 1 portable device program in the district.
What if we don’t have internet at home?
Wireless internet access will be available before school and for at least an hour after school in the building. Teachers will be sending assignments and readings to students as files that can be saved to the portable device locally. From there, the students can access any materials without the internet. Students without internet access at home should also inform the teacher at the beginning of the Trimester, so the teacher can assist in making alternative plans if needed.
Will there be some type of insurance offered?
There will not be insurance offered by the school. Most homeowner’s insurance companies will offer some type of coverage, but in most cases the cost of the portable device would be less than the deductible.
What if I don’t want my student to bring the portable device home?
Portable Devices should be seen as materials necessary to the student’s success much like a textbook. However, the school will make a computer available for pickup/drop off before and after school hours.
What consequence do students have for not bringing their portable device to class or failing to charge their battery?
Students that consistently come to class without their portable device or with an uncharged battery will be treated as if they were coming to class unprepared.
Can students personalize the exterior of their portable devices?
The portable devices may be personalized but must be easily removed without chemicals and must be appropriate according to district policy. (Static Cling Stickers and Skins)
How will staff prevent students from cheating?
There are many online tools available to staff for checking for plagiarism. Cheating will be handled in the same way any other form of cheating is handled.
Will students be allowed to use their portable devices in the cafeteria?
Student will be allowed to use their portable devices in the cafeteria during the lunch period.
How will the district handle portable devices that are lost, stolen, or not returned?
The district will follow the same procedures in place for other district issued items.
Will students be provided with an email account?
Yes. Secondary Students will be issued a district Gmail email account.
Will the Media Center be open to connect to the internet?
Yes the media center will be open for one hour after school.
Will headphones be provided?
Students will be expected to bring their own headphones. Students are not allowed to use headphones that are noise canceling or that completely cover their ears.
What is the district distribution process?
Students will receive their portable device during the beginning of the first trimester, usually the second or third week.
What is assigned to my student?
Students are assigned a portable device & a charging cable that is theirs to use for the school year. In addition, each student will receive a case for their device that must only be used for the transportation and protection of the portable device assigned.
What can be stored in the portable device case?
Only the portable device and charger should be stored in the case. Additional items (including pencils, papers, etc.) can cause unwanted pressure on the screen and result in damage to the device.
If the student already has a personal device, will they need a school device?
Yes, the school provided device will still need to used during instructional time. The device is loaded with school-specific software that we use for instruction.
Will the portable devices be collected over the summer?
Portable Devices will be collected over the summer so they can undergo preventative maintenance and be prepared with the latest software for the start of the next school year. In special instances they may be checked out for the summer with approval of a teacher, administrator, and technology department.
What happens if my portable device is damaged or stolen?
The student is responsible for the condition of the portable device. However, if the portable device is damaged and the student is not at fault, the school will repair the portable device at no cost. If the portable device is intentionally damaged or lost the student will be responsible to pay for repairs or replacement. If damage occurs or the device is stolen, it must be reported to the technology department within 24 hours of the incident occurring. If the device should get damaged or stolen over the weekend or break, it is expected the student report it the first day back to school.
How much does a portable device cost?
The cost of the portable device, case, and charging unit is generally under $300.
Does the school have access to the camera on the portable device?
Is there software to allow parents to monitor students activity?
There is not software for the parent to see what is going on at this time.
Does the school monitor internet usage?
Yes. Portable devices are equipped with a piece of software that monitors internet activity whenever the device has internet access.
How do teachers monitor and control what students are doing with their portable devices in class?
Teachers will be able to monitor and control portable device access via DyKnow. Teachers will be trained on the use of DyKnow at the start of school.
How will teachers manage computers that are low on charge?
Students are to charge the portable device overnight before coming to school each day. Each classroom does have power ports available to power to portable devices lacking a charge. A portable device, when charged a full 8 hours (overnight) while off, should last the entire academic day. Devices that do not last the entire day should be reported to the technology department for troubleshooting. As a reminder, the more applications that a student is running, the faster the battery will die. If needed, students can purchase additional power adapters from the technology department.
Can the school see what is put on the portable devices?
Yes. Every time the student logs in the portable device registers its data with the school. Remember the student is borrowing the portable device from the school in much the same way as a locker. The school reserves the right to collect the computer and monitor its use.
How will we keep students safe while using the portable devices?
Students will receive annual lessons on Digital Citizenship (computer etiquette and internet safety). While in school, students can be monitored and controlled by staff using DyKnow. Internet content filtering** is enabled whenever the portable device is on the internet. District policy states that the portable devices are district property and should be used for educational purposes. The district can collect and examine the portable devices when necessary. If violations have been found, consequences could result in loss of the portable device and/or up to expulsion.
**Internet Content Filters are intended to prevent accidental access to inappropriate internet content. It does not 100% prevent intentional access. Adult supervision is always recommended & encouraged.
Can I restrict my student’s portable device usage at home?
Yes! You, as the parent/guardian, have every right to monitor the student’s usage at home and determine what the student may or may not due. You are welcome to take away the portable devices, or restrict it’s internet usage at your discretion. Please keep in mind that teachers may assign homework that needs to be completed on the computer, so communication will be key with the student’s teachers if an at-home “punishment” or “restriction” is put in place by the parent/guardian.
Are you able to put music on the portable device?
Yes. Students will be allowed to put music on the portable device. Remember it is school property so music must be obtained legally and be school appropriate.
Are you able to put photos or videos on the portable device?
Yes. Photos & videos must be school appropriate and obtained legally.
Are you able to install programs/games onto the computer?
Yes, however students should be mindful of what programs they are installing. Any academic software needed for instruction is preinstalled for the student. Anything that may be class specific, will have instructions from the teacher on how to obtain it and how to install it. Anti-virus software, computer optimizing software, etc. should not be installed onto the computer. Keep in mind that more software will “bog down” your computer & possibly cause the battery to drain faster.
Do we need internet at home?
The internet is not a necessity. All assignments will be sent to the student’s portable device or email. From this point it will be up to the student to save from the email to the hard drive. If the student saves work to the hard drive there should be no reason to need the internet. “I don’t have internet” will not be an acceptable excuse for incomplete homework assignments.
How long will the battery last?
The portable device’s settings have been changed to maximize battery life. With a full charge, the batteries will last about 6 to 7 hours. Charging must be done at home each night with the device off, for at least 8 hours.
Can you buy a memory stick, wireless mouse, etc?
Yes, keep in mind anything purchased outside is not the responsibility of the school if it gets lost or damaged. Keep track of your personal items.
What if my portable device “crashes”?
If the portable device crashes, the school will provide a replacement until the original is repaired. All data saved to the hard drive is also saved to the network automatically when the student logs into our network. It is essential that the students save their documents to the My Documents (X Drive) folder. The school will simply hand the student a “loaner” and all the data should be there. SAVE OFTEN! Students should get into this habit now! On nearly every occasion, the only documents that are lost are due to students not saving to the proper location.
How will students print at school and at home?
Student’s portable devices are preinstalled with printers for the network at school. Home printers are also allowed to be installed. Home printer drivers may need to be downloaded from the manufacturer’s website because the computers lack an optical drive.
How will student documents be backed up?
Students will save to their X Drive (or My Documents). When on the network, a simultaneous copy is saved on the network and locally to the device. When off the network (at home), any changes, additions, or deletions to the My Documents will be synced upon first logon to the network. In addition, 2 Daily network backups will be taken should a physical failure occur on the portable device.
How do you connect to the internet?
The portable devices have a built-in wireless receiver as well as a port for a hard line. If you have wireless at home and you have it protected, you will need to know the connection password.
What is an expected lifetime of a portable device?
This varies depending on the care and upkeep provided by the student. Our goal is to have devices that are no older than 4 years in the hands of secondary students.
I have 2 students, but they have different portable devices, why?
The replacement plan for the portable devices allows us to replace devices every 3 years with specific grade levels. In theory, only up to 2 grade levels will have the same model at one time.
What is the device rotation schedule? (See Table 1)
Our plan is to provide new portable devices at 7th and 10th grade. The students will maintain the same device for 3 years with exception of 6th graders.
6th grade will receive the devices that were replaced by the new 7th and 10th grade devices. 6th graders are new to the devices and are learning proper care and use. These 4 year old devices are the cheapest to maintain because we will have 2 grades worth of devices that can be used as parts for no additional cost to the district. This replacement cycle allows us to keep up with technological advances and it creates a sense of ownership to the student for our school provided portable device, encouraging them to take good care of it!