Many people have contacted the Technology Department for assistance with internet access at home. After mapping out each location and researching internet options available throughout Allegan County, we have found that there is no simple and consistent solution that assists in improving internet access at each of the homes in need.
Using maps provided by we were able to determine that many of the locations requesting assistance may have 2 or more options that are better than mobile wireless hotspots. I recommend taking a look at the maps and contact some of the local providers to see if you have service available in your area.
The basic order of preference based on bandwidth/cost is:
A complete list of internet providers in Allegan county can be found here. (PDF) is an informative guide that uses a zip code tool to find the top internet providers in the area and the different plans available.
To address the concerns of students that have poor internet connectivity, Hopkins Public Schools plan to utilize a combination of their 1 to 1 device and flash drives to transfer files so they are available offline.